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DePaul Fact File

Dating back to the early 1980s, the Fact File provides standardized data on students, faculty and staff and the university to help frame and inform the institutional strategic dialogue and build a culture of evidence in support of planning and management. For additional interactive reports on these topics, see Regular Reports.

Fact File Year 2023     [Enable additional years.]

Student Headcount Enrollment Data Visualization

Student Degrees Awarded Data Visualization

[+] Section 1: Enrollment Trends

Headcount Reports

Table 1-1: Enrollments by College and FTE

Table 1-2: Fiscal year Unduplicated Enrollments by College by Level and FTE

Table 1-3: Enrollments by Class

Table 1-4: Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollments by College

Table 1-5: Program Enrollments by College

Table 1-6: Program Enrollments by College by Gender

Table 1-7: Program Enrollments by College by Race/Ethnicity

Table 1-8: Program Enrollments by College by Minority Status by Gender

Credit Hour Reports

Table 1-9: Credit Hour Enrollments by College

Table 1-10: Full-Time and Part-Time Credit Hours by College

Table 1-11: Program Credit Hours by College

Table 1-12: Credit Hours Enrolled by Campus and Location

Table 1-13: Credit Hours Enrolled by Campus and Location by Home Colleges

Table 1-14: Credit Hours Enrolled by Campus and Location by Course Colleges

[+] Section 2: Demographic Characteristics of Students

Table 2-1: Race/Ethnicity Distribution by College

Table 2-2: Gender Distribution by College

Table 2-3: Gender Distribution by College by Race/Ethnicity

Table 2-4: Enrollment by Age

Table 2-5: Age Distribution by College

Table 2-6: Race/Ethnicity by Gender by Age Distribution

Table 2-7: Current Residence by College

Table 2-8: Geographic Origins of Students

Table 2-9: Demographic Profile by Race/Ethnicity

Table 2-10: Demographic Profile by Level

[+] Section 3: Admission Profile of New Students

Table 3-1: Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollment Trends - Freshmen and Transfers

Table 3-2: Sources of Undergraduate Students

Table 3-3: Freshman Demographic Profile

Table 3-4: Freshman Academic Profile

Table 3-5: Freshman Demographic Profile by College

Table 3-6: Freshman Academic Profile by College

Table 3-7: Market Share of First Time Freshmen - Unavailable

Table 3-8: State of Origin of New Undergraduate Students

Table 3-9a: First-Generation Freshman Student Profile

Table 3-10: Transfer Demographic Profile

Table 3-11: Transfer Demographic Profile by College

Table 3-12: Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollment Trends - Graduate

Table 3-13: Sources and Enrollments of Graduate Students

Table 3-14: New Graduate Student Demographic Profile

Table 3-15: Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollment Trends - Professional

Table 3-16: Sources and Enrollments of Law Students

Table 3-17: F1 & J1 New Degree Seeking Student Profile by Level

[+] Section 4: Resident Student Statistics

Table 4-1: Residence Hall Profile

Table 4-2: Student Profile by Residence Hall

Table 4-3: New Freshman Residence Hall Profile

Table 4-4: New Transfer Residence Hall Profile

Table 4-5: Comparison of Undergraduate Full-Time and Residence Hall Populations

[+] Section 5: Degree Recipients

Table 5-1: Degrees Conferred

Table 5-2: Degrees Conferred by College

Table 5-3: Degrees Conferred by Program

Table 5-4: Degrees Conferred by Program & by Gender

Table 5-5: Degrees Conferred by Program & by Race/Ethnicity

Table 5-6: Degrees Conferred by Program by Race/Ethnicity by Gender

[+] Section 6: Student Financial Aid & University Finances

Table 6-1: Annual Student Financial Aid

Table 6-2: Consolidated Balance Sheets

Table 6-3: Consolidated Statements of Activities

Table 6-4: University Cash Flows

Table 6-5: Undergraduate and Graduate Annual Tuition and Housing Expenses

[+] Section 7: Faculty & Staff Statistics

Table 7-1: Full-Time Faculty by Rank and Gender

Table 7-2: Faculty Rank by College

Table 7-3: Full-Time Faculty Length of Service

Table 7-4: Full-Time Faculty by Rank and Race/Ethnicity

Table 7-5: Administrative Staff, Graduate Assistantships, and Student Service

Table 7-6: Full-Time Faculty by Race/Ethnicity, Rank, Tenure, and Gender

Table 7-7: Faculty and Staff by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

Table 7-7a: Faculty and Staff by Minority Status, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

Table 7-8: Faculty and Staff by Age, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

Table 7-9: Faculty and Staff Race/Ethnicity, EEO6 Job Category, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

Table 7-9a: Faculty and Staff Minority Status, EEO6 Job Category, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

Table 7-10: Faculty and Staff Age, EEO6 Job Category, Gender, Full and Part-Time Status

AAUP Compensation Study

[+] Section 8: Other University Statistics

Table 8-1: University Library Holdings

Table 8-2: Percentage of Gross and Assignable Square Footage by Building

[+] Section 9: Retention and Graduation Rates

Preface: Understanding Attrition and Graduation Rates

Table 9-1: Freshman First Year Retention Rates

Table 9-2: Freshman Fourth Year Graduation Rates

Table 9-3: Freshman Fifth Year Graduation Rates

Table 9-4: Freshman Six Year Graduation Rates

Table 9-5: Transfer First Year Retention Rates

Table 9-6: Transfer Fourth Year Graduation Rates

Table 9-7: Transfer Fifth Year Graduation Rates

Table 9-8: Transfer Six Year Graduation Rates

1979 - 2001 Fact File Archive (PDF)