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Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many new or revised disclosure and reporting regulations for postsecondary education institutions. This law contains a number of important new provisions that will improve access to postsecondary education information for students, parents, and other third parties. All reporting requirements are submitted to the U.S. Department of Education and a number of other agencies with the goal of having more transparent education information available to perspectives.

Consumer Information

DePaul's Mission

The statistics about the first-time, full-time, degree- or certificate seeking undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul.

What is the total number of undergraduate students who applied to, were admitted by, and enrolled in DePaul?

What are the combined and subject scores on the SAT or ACT, as applicable, for the middle 50 percent range of DePaul's freshman class?

What is the number of first-time, full-time, and part-time students who are enrolled at DePaul, at the undergraduate level?

What are the policies of DePaul related to transfer of credit from other institutions?

What is the number of degree- or certificate-seeking undergraduate students who are enrolled at DePaul who have transferred from another institution?

What are the number of male and female undergraduate students who are enrolled at DePaul?

What are the percentages of first-time, full-time, degree or certificate-seeking students who are enrolled at DePaul, disaggregated by race and ethnic background?

What are the percentages of students who are from Illinois? (DePaul is located in Illinois)

What are the percentages of students who are from other States?

What are the percentages of students who are international students?

Student Outcomes

Among first-time, full-time, degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul who obtain a degree or certificate.

What is the normal time for completion of, or graduation from, the student's program?

What are the 150 percent of the normal time for completion of, or graduation from, the student's program?

What are the numbers of certificates, associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees, master's degrees, professional degrees, and doctoral degrees awarded by DePaul?

What is the undergraduate major area of study at DePaul with the highest number of degrees awarded?

What are the numbers of fulltime and part-time faculty, and the number of graduate assistants with primarily instructional responsibilities, at DePaul?

Student to Faculty ratio in Fall 2023: 17:1 (based on 19,097 students and 1,099 faculty).

Cost of Attendance and Financial Aid

How much does it cost to attend DePaul university?

What is the cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul who live on campus?

What is the cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul who live off campus?

What is the tuition and fees for each of the three most recent academic years for which data are available?

Statistics on Financial Aid:

What is the average annual grant amount (including Federal, State, and institutional aid) awarded to a first-time, full-time undergraduate student enrolled at DePaul who receives financial aid?

What is the average annual amount of Federal student loans provided through DePaul to undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul?

What is the total annual grant aid awarded to undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul, from all sources (Federal Government, State, DePaul, and other sources known by DePaul)?

What is the percentage of first-time, full-time undergraduate students enrolled at DePaul receiving Federal, State, and institutional grants, student loans, and any other type of student financial assistance known by DePaul, provided publicly or through DePaul, such as Federal work-study funds?

What is the number of students enrolled at DePaul receiving Federal Pell Grants?

DePaul had 4,691 Pell grant recipients for the 2022-23 academic year and information for the 2023-24 academic year will be available in September 2024.

DePaul's cohort default rate, as defined under section 435(m):

According to the U.S. Department of Education, the cohort default rate for DePaul University for all federal loans which entered into repayment during the FY2020 period is 0.00%. This is the most recent information available per correspondence from the U.S. Department of Education dated September 2023.

DePaul's Student Services and Activities

DePaul's website provides the following information:

Services offered by DePaul for individuals with disabilities

Student activities offered by DePaul

Career and placement services offered by DePaul to students during and after their academic career.

What are the starting salaries in all major occupations?

What is the information on campus safety required to be collected under section 485?

What percent of undergraduate students are registered with the office of Disabilities Services?

Eight percent of undergraduate students are registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities at DePaul.

For more information, please contact Vera Setiawan at (312) 362-6906 or email.