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Table 6-4
University Cash Flows (In thousands $)
June 30, 2023 and 2022

  2023 2022

Cash flows from operating activities:
Increase (decrease) in net assets $ 56,954 (125,426)

Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization expense $ 41,863 40,383
     Amortization of lease deposit (755) (755)
     Amortization of bond issuance costs and net premium on bonds payable (1,628) (1,737)
     Reduction in the carrying amount of the ROU assets 2,063 365
     Net (gain) loss on disposal or sale of long-lived assets 832 227
     Contributions restricted for long-term investment and capital (1,981) 2,760
     Net (gain) loss on investments (106,988) 137,045
Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Accounts receivables 3,962 (3,085)
     Prepaid and other assets 2,977 (2,539)
     Contributions receivable, net 880 7,285
     Beneficial interest in charitable term trust 3,676 6,374
     Deferred revenue and deposits (1,376) (630)
     Payables and other liabilities (13,848) 5,667
     Lease obligations - operating (1,405) 354
     Accrued postretirement benefit obligation (1,967) (15,186)
     Net cash provided by operating activities $ (16,741) 51,102

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Proceeds from sale of investments 149,536 312,997
     Purchase of investments (121,966) (317,629)
     Student loan repayments 2,341 1,209
     Student loans issued 154 1,166
     Proceeds from sale of long-lived assets 1,475 22
     Acquisition of land, buildings, and equipment (33,967) (44,554)
          Change in payables related to the acquisition of land, buildings, and equipment   1,247 (3,167)
     Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities $ (1,180) (49,956)

Cash flows from financing activities:
     Payments on bonds and notes payable (13,365) (13,154)
     Payments on lease obligations - finance (142) (112)
     Proceeds from restricted for long-term investment and capital 1,981 (2,760)
     Net cash used in financing activities $ (11,526) (16,026)
     Net change in cash and cash equivalents $ (29,447) (14,880)
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year $ 55,890 70,770
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of year $ 26,443 55,890
     Cash and cash equivalents per balance sheet 26,443 55,890
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
     Cash paid during the year for interest $ 9,638 10,089

Source:  University Financial Statements.

IRMA 2023
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